Our priority at Mfords is to protect the well-being of our colleagues, clients and partners – and to carry on serving our communities and societies.
Despite the uncertainty we are all facing across the world, our business operations are resilient. Our colleagues across Mfords are doing everything they can to carry on serving our clients and helping them to maintain the vital services they provide to customers and citizens.
Homeworking and remote solutions for colleagues are being introduced, where possible, to ensure the delivery of critical services. In cases where office-based or on-location working is still necessary as part of our client and customer service, we are fully committed to make sure the well-being of our colleagues remains of the utmost importance.
Business and supplier preparedness are central to our approach to this crisis, and we have robust measures in place to ensure provide service for our clients.
Each Mfords division has a dedicated Pandemic Planning Team to ensure we maintain our operations and capabilities as the situation evolves.
We are here to serve our clients – from national governments to major consumer-facing brands – with additional capacity and resilience to meet the rapidly changing demands of these extraordinarily unpredictable times.
Our priority at Mfords is to support our clients as they adapt to unprecedented circumstances, to continue keeping critical national infrastructure, businesses and public services running smoothly and to protect the well-being of our colleagues